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Understanding the Role Played by Integrated Health Information System (IHiS) in Singapore

Integrated Health Information Systems IHIS is one of the most highly-regarded companies in Singapore. And this is easy to see why since the company plays a pivotal role in helping shape Singapore's healthcare sector for the better. This company was formed in 2008 to pursue an integrated approach to IT implementation of public health systems.

IHiS has not been disappointed in this regard since the company continues to serve as the architect and implementer of IT systems in Singapore years after opening its business doors. To live up to its promise,IHISmerged with MOH Holdings' IT division in 2016. This was a step in the right direction since the merger has played a vital role in advancing Singapore's long-term healthcare plans.

Even though not many Singaporeans understand the essence of this merger, it is what drives the country’s growing healthcare sector. This is because the merger allowed IHiS to take the role of the Ministry of Health's HealthTech agency to advance healthcare IT in Singapore. The additional roles necessitated transforming IHIS in terms of its focus and efforts in healthcare IT delivery.

That's what the company is doing now since it has improved the IT systems operations in Singapore. It doesn't stop since IHiS is helping deal with the cybersecurity issue that continues to threaten Singapore's healthcare sector. And this is easy to see why since it increased resources committed to security enhancements. 

Thanks to the critical role that it takes up in the healthcare industry, the company has garnered more than 80 awards for its innovations. Keep in mind the company supports more than 50,000 healthcare users in Singapore's health ecosystem. This is made possible through applying clinical informatics, computer science, data science, and standards-based IT that allows for information exchange. Furthermore, it enables cross-boundary workflows, analysis, and statistical and machine learning techniques to discover insights.

Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS) is one of the best companies in shaping Singapore's healthcare sector. They are among the companies that have made many credit Singapore's modern and efficient public healthcare system. To find out more about what IHiS has to offer the healthcare sector in Singapore, why not visit its official website today at any time you deem appealing!